Health care training for Katungul Aboriginal Corporation Regional Health and Community Services Staff
UOW College has commenced delivery of a health care skills set to 15 Katungul staff, made possible by a successful application to the NSW Government for Smart and Skilled Part Qualification funding. With a focus on allowing Katungul staff to stay on Country while studying, UOW College is delivering the training on our UOW Bega and Eurobodalla Campuses. The skills set, including four units of competency, focuses on essential skills in infection control, work health and safety, first aid, and health legal systems.
“It is important that the program is culturally appropriate and delivered face to face,” said Mr David MacQueen, Chief Executive Offer at Katungul Aboriginal Corporation Regional Health & Community Services. “There are significant benefits of having the participants on Country and together while this program is being delivered, creating an atmosphere where staff can share and discuss ideas in a safe environment.”
This skills set will not only support the ongoing work at Katungal but also provide credit for further training. UOW College is hoping to expand offerings to support health services and provide additional pathways to further education throughout the region.
If you would like further information, contact Liz Thomas, RTO Manager,