
A traineeship allows you to earn money while you learn, mixing classroom learning with on-the-job experience as you work towards a nationally recognised qualification.

We collaborate with students and businesses to facilitate traineeships, allowing students to study closer to home or within a work setting. These programs combine practical on-the-job training with formal education.  

For students, it's a paid opportunity to work, learn, and earn a qualification. For businesses, it's an effective way to upskill their workforce. 

Types of traineeships

Workplace Traineeships
School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT)

Our stories

Meet Taleah

Taleah Holm knows how important it is for the more vulnerable people in the community to have independence and social connection.

Meet Elouise

For Elouise Hicks, studying a traineeship while completing the HSC was the perfect way to start her fitness career and still finish Year 12.

Meet Katie

For Katie Fox, working at the Kiama Blue Haven aged care facility feels like coming home.

I wanted a qualification, but financially it was out of reach. When I found out the traineeship was fully funded, I took the opportunity. Taleah