Articulation arrangements
Articulation arrangements are agreed to by education providers (usually at a higher level) and provide approved pathways for students to progress with credit from one completed qualification into another defined qualification. For example, from a UOW College Higher Education Diploma into a UOW Bachelor degree. All UOW College Articulation Arrangements are provided in the table below.
You don’t have to apply for articulation as it has already been agreed to. However, you may have to complete certain subjects relevant to the course you are articulating into or achieve a minimum level of performance in a subject or subjects. These are called progression requirements.
What are progression requirements?
Progression requirements usually refer to the level of achievement you must attain in the subjects you complete e.g. a pass or a higher grade, to progress in your course or beyond. Progression requirements can be applied at different stages of your course, for example:
- to progress from one subject, or one session, to another within a course
- to complete the course of study and receive the qualification
- to articulate into a specified UOW course by an agreed pathway (articulation agreement)
- to exit a UOW College Course early and commence a specified UOW course (Early Exit)
If you are completing a UOW College Australia course and intending to transition to the University of Wollongong, the progression requirements are outlined in your UOW College course outline.
Understanding package offers
UOW College courses that offer a guaranteed pathway to UOW, allow you to receive a package offer for two courses with an agreed articulation arrangement in place. After successfully completing your first course at UOW College Australia, you can articulate into your UOW Degree with the credit for prior learning from your UOW College course which will automatically be applied to your progressive UOW degree offer.