The thing that makes me really proud to work for UOW College is what we do for students. The opportunities we create for international students and for students from all over Australia as well.
What we’re about is actually something really positive. We want to… We want to open up opportunities for young people, so what’s better than that really?
To see my students when they’re in university as well, so once they’ve gone through the College, I’ve helped them on that journey, they’re in the university, I’m really often feel proud to talk to them and enjoy listening to their stories. Their successful stories about how they’re developing in their… in their career.
What makes me proud to work here is I honestly believe that it is a collaborative team.
Because we support the goals of students to take on the challenges out there in the wider world.
Being given the opportunity to grow in the organisation. There are many, many people that support your growth and they give you the resources to do just that.
So we’ve had the… this citation for 20 years and I think the good thing with that is we’ve built layer upon layer of actually improvements in this space and that really does underline the fact that you are working with good people. Because they haven’t just been parachuted into a role, they’re actually there because they can do the job and they were the best person for that job at that particular time.
I’m really proud that I work for a purpose lead organisation. That we really are here to change the lives of all of our students but at the same time we have… we… we encourage and help all of our staff achieve their dreams and goals as well.